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This website is being developed as a place to provide important information which has been obscured by generally accepted narratives most of which are fallacious. This site is underdevelopment, so I encourage visitors to return from time to time if this sort of thing is of interest.

Main Topics

Abiotic Oil

Mainstream Narrative:
 Petroleum is a fossil fuel that has a ‘biogenic origin’ and was formed when large quantities of biological detritus were buried beneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both prolonged heat and pressure. Therefore, resources of oil are finite.

The concept of Abiotic Oil holds that the origin of petroleum is not biological but instead is formed through thermodynamic and chemical reactions deep underground. Reserves, although being consumed, are also being replenished.

Cancer Treatments (alternative)

Over the years there have been several ‘alternative’ treatments for cancer that have, unfortunately, been suppressed and banned. Whilst the efficacy, or not, of these treatments is open for debate, they should at least be available for trial and investigation. Furthermore, information about them should be openly available for review.

Gender Identity Myth

Mainstream Narrative:
Based predominantly on the work of Prof John Money in the 1960s, the theory of Gender Role (later Gender Identity) proposed that a child’s gender is not related internally to the child’s biological sex, but instead is a result of external social conditioning. Thus, it is malleable and can be changed through a manipulation of the child’s external social environment. Basically, if the intervention is early enough (around 24 months) a boy brought up as a girl, is a girl and vice versa.

The ‘proof of concept’ to Money’s Gender Identity theory, and the thing that gave it considerable scientific credibility, was the case of David Riemer. Riemer was born a twin boy called Bruce, and at eight months suffered damage to his penis from a botched medical operation. His family sought help from Prof Money who suggested a further ‘sex reassignment operation’ and subsequently that they raise him as a girl. Over the next few years, Money claimed that Bruce, now called Brenda, was successfully transformed into a healthy happy girl thus providing the foundation for the current concept of Gender Identity. However, Brenda did not adapt to the ‘girl gender role’, had a troublesome childhood and reverted to being a boy named David around the age of fourteen. The case of David Riemer actually disproves and discredits Money’s theory.

The Great Taking

Mainstream Narrative:
Client’s financial securities held by institutions, with or without associated debt obligations, are owned by the institutions’ clients (corporations or individuals).

In David Webb’s book The Great Taking, he convincingly shows that, through ‘collateral obligations’, too-big-to-fail ‘systematically important’ financial institutions closely aligned with the Central Banks have worked with western governments to put in place a legal framework transferring ownership of ALL assets and securities from clients to these institutions under conditions of financial stress.

Great wall of China

The Great Wall of China

Mainstream Narrative:
Built by the ancient Chinese as a defensive structure against invading hordes of Mongols from the north.

It was, it is proposed, an elevated fortified highway providing protection, from bandits, to sherpas carrying goods to the West and taking gold and opium to the East, forming the eastern part of the Silk Road. It was also likely built in part, or in whole, with the oversight of Roman engineers as evidenced by the standard dimensions of the ‘wall’ and the spacing of the towers.

The Green Energy Scam

So called ‘green energy’ is supposed to reduce environmental damage and reduce climate change. In actual fact, it is actually causing a detrimental effect. The utilization of green technologies requires wide-scale mineral mining, petroleum resource input, causes environmental damage and in most cases, requires conventional energy to run it.

Operation Gladio

Mainstream Narrative:
Governments and their intelligence services work diligently and lawfully to protect their citizens from any harm caused by terrorist organizations.

Clandestine “stay-behind” NATO and CIA operations of armed resistance were organized in collaboration with several European government intelligence agencies in the decades after World War II. Although ‘Gladio’ specifically refers to the Italian branch, the term ‘Operation Gladio’ is used as an informal name for all the different European operations. These armed groups carried out atrocities and violence against the people in order to enhance and increase state power and control.

Primary Water

Mainstream Narrative:
All water on Earth arrived from outer space as ‘ice meteorites’, and is being consumed resulting in a situation of pending scarcity.

The theory of Primary Water proposes that water is formed deep within the Earth which is then forced to the surface via fissures in the Earth’s crust. The amount of water available is increasing and additional sources may be accessed readily through drilling and boring.

Rhine Meadow Death Camps

The Rheinwiesenlager or Rhine meadow camps, were a group of 19 camps built in the Allied occupied part of Germany by the U.S. Army to hold captured German soldiers at the close of the Second World War. The soldiers were deliberately not allowed any shelter, and food and water was very limited. It is estimated around 1.6 million died.